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An exercise to put you back in touch with your inner flame!

It’s your turn to light your own inner candles! In your own separate journal or a sheet of paper, recreate your own version of the template on shown here:

Make sure to include a tripart flame; for this exercise, you start with the bottom (blue), move to the middle (orange), then finally the top (yellow). This is because, like flames, beauty begins within and then reaches out expansively and infectiously as we give and receive from the world around us. It is also good to include empty hearts, so you can watch them light up as you go along!

You can make these parts any colors that you desire - play around with it, and see what swirling shades you hold inside!

For the left blue box, write in your inner flame. The example above lists “beauty.” For you, it may be “love” or “growth,” or any number of things. Really try to identify what it is that truly lights you up inside. No pressure - just write whatever comes to mind.

For the right blue box, do your best to define this flame. What does it mean, regardless of any other external circumstance. If you were to encounter it in various settings, with many different people, or even no people at all, how do you describe what this flame is at its core?

For the left orange box, write down “How I receive _____” filling in what your flame is. This is so that when you look back at your illustrated chart, you can remember the intentions that you set and seed that you planted.

For the right orange box, write out the ways that you tend to receive this flame. Think about the places you’ve been, the encounters or experiences that you’ve had, and the components that remain the same across all of these different situations. Remind yourself through writing of these situations, and what takes place in them.

For the left yellow box, please repeat the process in the left orange box, only this time writing “How I share ______”.

For the right yellow box, think about the ways that you spread this flame - or the ways that you possibly can if you feel that you do not currently. Think about your natural strenghts, interests, and characteristics. Don’t write things that you feel pressured to do, or things that aren’t aligned with your natural way of being… Try to be more general about this, so you can apply it wherever you are, regardless of circumstance.