XXVM Muse Collaborations

XXVM Muse Collaborations are our way of participating in creative, community-building, and industry-changing play! Every year, we choose two Muses to work with on establishing unique lines of products under a shared brand identity. We offer the resources, tools, and services to launch a co-creating project with our Muses, that can become their own personal legacy of beauty. See pages from our XXVM Program Handbook for an introduction!

  • Muses are people or businesses who share or embody a distinct vision of beauty that we wish to help propel into the world. We have worked with digital artists, models, cafe’s, mothers, directors, and therapists to create unique product lines that reflect their light and beauty.

    We work with two new Muses per year, and one per industry.

  • XXVM is our new symbol for “Collaborated with Velvet Moon.” These letters will be included in the logo used for Muse accounts, and tags for collaborated products. At the end of our collaboration term, the XXVM will be removed from the logo, and the Muse can continue their line individually, or establish a new partnership with us under revised terms.

  • Our XXVM Program offers an initial capital contribution of $5,000 to be put toward a line or lines of products. These products can be niche or broad, depending on our shared vision. We offer graphic design, product research, development, distribution, and fulfillment and even cooperate with our Muses on marketing campaigns and promotional strategies. We also offer our Muses a favorable profit split on sales, to enable them to lay a foundation upon which they can continue building their legacy.

    Ultimately, these collaborations are meant to become the Muse’s own personal brand that they can use to manifest their distinct vision of beauty into the world.

  • The XXVM Program is entirely free, and established to help our Muses transcend industry entry barriers related to finances, time, and societal inequality. For this reason, we only offer two Muse Collaborations per year.

  • Muse Collaborations can be short-term one-off projects, or long-term strategic or business partnerships. It depends on our Muses long-term and shared goals!

  • We find our Muses either by discovering them and inviting them to collaborate, or through inquiry submissions made the form at the bottom of this web-page.

    We do not prioritize follower count, audience reach, or popularity. Instead, we look for an embodiment of the qualities that we cherish at Velvet Moon: Creativity, Inclusivity, and Interconnection.

    Our Muses are people who uplift, inspire, and connect people, concepts, and causes. This will not look the same for everyone, and our Muses each manifest beautiful artwork, ideas, or actions in startlingly different ways.

  • Muses provide the face, identity, and direction of our collaborated brand. We base our brand identity on a “Muse-Led Mission,” which we discover together through an initial interview. Muses both inspire and promote the products we create together.

  • We choose not accept referrals for or against new Muse candidates, because we believe that all individuals deserve equal consideration. Our XXVM program is not an MLM or clique, however, it does contribute to community building and healthy, uplifting connections.

    At Velvet Moon, we believe that true beauty is wholeness, and wholeness includes our connection to others. For this reason, our Muses are welcome to include products in their own XXVM line that support other artists, friends, or associates (to be outlined in initial communications).

    Alternatively, at the end of each collaboration, our Muses are invited to enter into a new strategic or business partnerships with Velvet Moon. During this stage, we can discuss creative ways that our Muses can lead their own collaborative ventures with our support!

  • Email muses@velvetmoon.beauty introducing yourself and letting us know that you are intersted! Tell us your name, favorite color, one life goal, and we will email you back with an interview and application form.

    Even if we are already working with two Muses, we will save, remember, and respond to your application. You may need to add muses@velvetmoon.beauty to your contacts to see our emails.

Retail and Merchandising

All of the cosmetics, apparel, and journals listed on our website, including XXVM items are available for retail. We also provide merchandising for projects, events, and special occasions and locations! Please email victoriaj@velvetmoon.beauty for more details.

Get In Touch!

Use the form on the right to email us any questions about our XXVM Program, Merchandising Services, or selling Velvet Moon products in your shop!

Mailing Address:

4412 Governor Lane SE
Olympia, WA 98501

